Today is National DNA Day!

According to www.genome.gov, today commemorates the completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003 and the discovery of the Double Helix in 1953.

DNA Day is quickly becoming a Global Day of Commemoration as students, teachers, and the public come together to learn more about genomics.

Are you considering a career in the burgeoning field of Genetic Genealogy? There are many career paths to choose from – heir tracing, repatriating fallen soldiers, and solving cold cases are just a few examples.

Kristina Moffett is a recent graduate of our DNA and Genetic Genealogy Certificate. Shortly after acquiring her certificate, she landed the job of her dreams repatriating fallen soldiers.

Kristina shared her story with Angela Breidenbach, Executive Director, in this inspiring interview.

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DNA and Genetic Genealogy Certificate

Your New Career is Waiting

Need help with your order? Call 800.580.0165 x1 in US/Canada or email angie@GenealogicalStudies.com with your question.

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