DNA SuperPower

Is DNA Research your Super Power?

Does the thought of solving cold cases intrigue you?

After receiving her DNA and Genetic Genealogy Certificate, IIGS Student, Lauren Robilliard, forged her dream career with the Toronto Police Service.

Lauren started her career by volunteering with the police and is now a Full Time Civilian employee as part of their Cold Case Unit.

The Toronto Star recently published an article about Lauren't ability to use her DNA Research SuperPower to solve cold cases.  Waking The Dead

Start Your New Career Today – Make Your Dreams Your Reality!

Register for your DNA and Genetic Genealogy Certificate 

International Institute of Genealogical Studies
Research With Confidence
Study at Your Own Pace


Need help with your order? Call 800.580.0165 x1 in US/Canada or email angie@GenealogicalStudies.com with your question.


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