Genealogical Studies News

English Parish Records

English: Parish Records The history of these records goes back to 1538 when a system was established for clergy to register all christenings, marriages, and burials.

English Parish Records

English: Parish Records The history of these records goes back to 1538 when a system was established for clergy to register all christenings, marriages, and burials.

English Ancestors at Work

Builders, farmers, fishermen, and weavers. These are some of the occupations our ancestors would have had to support their families.

English Ancestors at Work

Builders, farmers, fishermen, and weavers. These are some of the occupations our ancestors would have had to support their families.

Grandmothers, Mothers, and Daughters

There are many challenges to researching our female ancestors. Maiden names, cultural differences and, name changes during immigration are just a few of the stumbling blocks we come across.

Grandmothers, Mothers, and Daughters

There are many challenges to researching our female ancestors. Maiden names, cultural differences and, name changes during immigration are just a few of the stumbling blocks we come across.

Public Speaking Jitters?

Does the fear of public speaking give you the jitters? Join Angela Breidenbach, PLCGS, as she shares tips on overcoming the fear of talking in front of a crowd.

Public Speaking Jitters?

Does the fear of public speaking give you the jitters? Join Angela Breidenbach, PLCGS, as she shares tips on overcoming the fear of talking in front of a crowd.

Irish Genealogy on YouTube

Claire Bradley, MA, Director of Irish Studies, has shared her vast knowledge of Irish Genealogy on our YouTube channel.

Irish Genealogy on YouTube

Claire Bradley, MA, Director of Irish Studies, has shared her vast knowledge of Irish Genealogy on our YouTube channel.

PoW Camp Diary Reunited with Family

While we traditionally consider genealogy to be connected through common ancestors, sometimes the skills we learn serve another purpose. I recently experienced this and made a lifelong friend.

PoW Camp Diary Reunited with Family

While we traditionally consider genealogy to be connected through common ancestors, sometimes the skills we learn serve another purpose. I recently experienced this and made a lifelong friend.